Thursday, October 8, 2015


New Praise Temple

Looking at the poster, I see many different faces on the poster which gives me a warm feeling; however there are too many faces on the poster being cut out of by the designed lines. Also some pictures overlap some. There is space at the bottom of the poster where they could put the pictures at instead of overlapping pictures. Under the title, it says Join Us and it appears to be both two different sizes. The font makes the letters seem very thin and you can’t read it. Also throughout the poster there are 5 different types of fonts. The sparklers between the two couples at the bottom of the page could have been moved from between them and moved to underneath the main title. Or they could have put many sparklers around the title to bring more attention to the title. I actually just noticed that where the man is standing, there are words that are being cut off. This is an extremely bad edit. The man shoes are also cut off. I know how he is leaning over, it is made to look as if he is leaning on the title but they could have moved the title over a little bit over so that they words wouldn’t be cut off. I don’t understand why his shoes are cut off. You can see the outline of his shoes only.


Take it by the Youth Conference


This poster is extremely hard to read. The poster is extremely washed out and it looks as if it is very old. I’m not sure if the creator had wanted the poster to look this way. With the poster being faded, the text on the poster is very hard to read. The text color is white and the background picture has black and white coloring. The words look blended with the background. In the middle of the poster, the background is red and the text is also red. The two colors should not be used together. Also with the date being on the top, it is not fitted on the page. They tried to make it crocked and fancy when they made it off of the page. If they wanted to do that, they could have made it work by turning the date to the side of the page. When reading the box, the title of the box says “Rehearsal” which is spelled terribly wrong. It also does not give any detail of what the event is about. The poster has a lot of empty space. They could have either made the font bigger to take up room, the subtitle should not be bigger than the main title, which it looks it. The color of the text should have been a darker color to be with that background. If I could change this up I would take the title and make big that that is reaches both ends of the paper. I then would make the name of the church and the address smaller but it would match the size the time.  The subtitle I would do the same as the main title, have it big enough it would reach both sides. Now moving to the middle of the poster, I would change the color from red to maybe a yellow or orange. The red the person put up is terrible. It looks like dried up blood. The text in the box would be red instead of the dark orange it is now. The picture would be a lot bigger. I would have the edge of the picture would reach close to the text. The picture would also be more slanted. I know I discuss how much I hate the background but I would change the background to a different music background.

Worship Without Walls



This poster is very plain and boring. This flier does give too much detail of what the event is about.  This poster just has the title and the date of the event with no description. There is a lot of blank space on the poster which could be used for a small description of the event. In the description they could have if it is free or not, where the event is being held, and the time of the event. None of that is on the poster which is crazy. Instead of using a large picture they could have used a small picture with more details. The title has an error in it. It says “1st Annual” which is incorrect grammar. There can be no 1st Annual, because you don’t know if there will be another event the following year. I would recommend a small font and a smaller image. If I were to change this I would keep the font of all of the text. I think that the text is large and fancy enough to catch a person’s eye. However I would have the mirror effect of the main title and have the title falling in the background. I would then add a couple of twinkling stars around the title. I don’t know why but the twinkling stars can make an event seem classer. As stated before there is no such thing as a “1st Annual” event according to AP Stylebook 2014. That doesn’t even make sense as it is. So that would be taken out. I would add a logo or slogan to the pictures, to fill in the extra space. I would also change the background to a brighter color. The dark red color darkens the photo to the point where it makes the event seem dull and boring. Since the woman’s shirt is black and white, I would do a bright color background like a yellow color. The yellow will be warm and welcoming. And there is suppose to be a Christian event, the red background indicates the devil. Also since this is a religious event, why not add an angel or a halo. I think that would bring more of a warming feeling. I love boarders so I would add a blackboard around the poster. The boarder I would do will be a thick boarder with a thin boarder following it. It might look too professional but it will give it some type of fun look to it. I said it before that there’s no details of the event so that is a must to add. But since the person picture is so big, I would add a small description of her saying why she is a guest speaker and a little bio about her. I would put her bio in a fancy box with a font size and color that would be easy to see.   



This poster is also boring. There is only one image that is used, for an event that is supposed to be used for I’m assuming for trick and treating. The font size looks like they used the normal text size. They didn’t use any spooky or fun fonts that would make kids want to come to their event. They have listed free candy, hotdogs and donuts being there so they could have posted some pictures of all things or two of food. The pumpkin background picture gives it a formal look and not a Halloween theme. Having a different background such; as a spooky pumpkin or children playing with pumpkins. Also they put any text across the pumpkins which gave a lot of empty space. There they could have added more text such as:

            -how much food will cost

            -who is the main public

            -the year should be on here just incase the letter never gets taken down

            -the zip code and city

I also think that a little description of two locations. It doesn’t say what place of establishment the two places are. If I were to redo this poster, everything would be redone! Okay lets get started. So as said before the background of the 3 pumpkins is just too boring. There needs to be something spooky and scary since it’s a Halloween theme event. I would want whatever background I choose to be black, to give it a spooky theme. I would want to maybe have a glow-in-the-dark pumpkin with scary teeth. I would then use the chalkboard font with the duster effect with the title. The font is a very fun font. (Safe Night Out is the title I’m referring to) Underneath the title I would put in the regular chalkboard font, “Presented by Buffalo United Front, House of Masters and East Delavan Block Club.” I then would put the date of the event titled to the side from 6pm-9pm. If they wanted to put dusk (which they did) I would look up the time the sun usually sets around the time of the event. People with busy schedules want the exact time the function will begin and the same for when the function will end. Like stated before I would add pictures of kids, but I would add pictures of kids who have on a mask and who is trick or treating. I would add two photos (3 at the most). Then I would list the food that would be available with probably pictures or icons. Since this is a children’s event, parents would like to know prices of things, so I would give one price followed by the word “up.” (ex. Prices start at $4 and up) I see two logos at the top of the page; I would put those at the bottom of the page. I almost forgot the most important thing the address. I would put the address across from the date slated.

Trinity District

Looking at the poster gave me a headache. The background picture is too many different colors. It’s a memorizing picture of a space however it doesn’t belong on a poster because you can not properly read the words on the poster. If they wanted to do use this background then they could have used last words on this flier. However since they did use this background, I would suggest them using a solid color. Or they could have used a black color picture. With the black background, there’s chance that it would be easier to read, especially with the white color text. I also would take away some text because I feel like a lot of text could be removed. If they wanted to use that text, there is open space in the middle of the flier that could have been filled. I suggested for some text to be taken off because since there is so much text, the text size is small to read. They could take away the bible quote, the large logo and shrink the dates of the events, to as smaller font. The pictures all the guest speakers could have been colored photos instead of black and white. The black and white doesn’t make the photos pop out of the poster. Instead it blends the pictures in the mess background. If I were to change this up, I would keep most of the font. The font does stand out to everyone. I however would change the background of the poster to something that isn’t so distracting. The galaxy is not a good background picture. Its just way to much. Since there is so much information on this poster, there needs to be a solid color. Or they could have found an image that displays to the side or middle such as a cross, or a picture of Jesus,” Since they have a woman who image is larger than the others, they could have taken her image and made it the main background. They could have put it to either side of the poster or in the middle. Wherever they decide to put the image, I would put a small description on her. I would change the font to a color that would be easy to read. If they really wanted the scripture, I would condense the size and make it small. Its too big and it takes up too much room. I would have the dates of the event to the side of the page along the left side of the page. In the middle of the poster I would put the location. Now to the people at the bottom, there pictures need to be in color instead of black and white. If they wanted their pictures to stay black and white then the main lady shouldn’t be in color. Everyone needs to stay the same. 


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