Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Successful Logos

Skinny Girl 
This logo shows what the title implies, a skinny girl. This cocktail logo shows a girl in a cocktail attire, drinking. This logo works for this company because of the heart healthy ingredients that are included in every product. 

Batman v Superman 

The Batman and Superman logo is a strong logo. Both super heroes are iconic and with both logos combined, it equals a powerful dynamic. Both logos are easily identified to which character they go with without any picture of the character or names being included. Catch my drift? 

Queen Latifah 
This logo of the "Q" shows that this person must be widely known, for a person just to put a letter as their logo. Also the gold goes well with the logo, since gold is of royalty. 

BET Network 

This logo is an acronym for Black Entertainment Television. That is why all letters are uppercase. I assume that the star is included with logo to give it a reference that music, or celebrities are a main focus with this logo. 

The Mr. 

My own logo shows a person, that is suppose to represent Mr. Marcus White, standing in a suit smiling. I wanted to refreshen the name "MR" and make it mean a person who is a gentleman and has proper etiquette. 


As shown above, my logo is "MR." It is suppose to be myself representing an educated gentleman with style, class and proper etiquette. I want my own brand of moscato named FORTUNATO MOSCATO. I want people to know that drinking my wine is fun and make them into a sociable person. I want my MR color to be a gold, champaign color. I want to catch the eyes of anyone who loves moscato or any other kind of sweet wine. 

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